Financial Advice for My Children

Have you ever tried to take something big and condense it into a few words? It’s a surprisingly difficult exercise, but one that really makes you think about what’s important. A few years ago, a University of Chicago professor decided to put his financial advice on an index card. While he and I don’t agree on the things we find most important, I see great value in the process.
I’ve taken the time to create a list of the financial advice I would want my children to carry with them through life. I hope you find it valuable and it challenges you to take the time to create your own list. It’s a rewarding exercise that brings focus and clarity to what you truly value.
My Financial Advice:
- Always value people and relationships over money and things.
- Make financial decisions with their eternal value in mind.
- Remind yourself that you never really own anything. It all belongs to God and you only manage it during your lifetime.
- Surround yourself with godly counsel and ask for their advice often.
- Don’t invest in things you don’t understand – otherwise someone else is making your decisions.
- Define and set your lifestyle, then be content with what you have.
- Plan for the future, but leave the results to God and don’t get frustrated when things don’t go as you planned.
- Try to protect and provide for your family, but ultimately trust God to do those things.
- Never allow yourself to be defined by status, occupation, or the things you own.
If my children can get these things right, the individual financial decisions they face in life should be a breeze.
Brad Graber, CFP® has been working with clients on personal financial planning and investment issues since 1996. He invests his time mentoring and educating individuals on ways to be better stewards of the resources God has entrusted to them.
Missed your program, Moody, this morning on gambling would love to see info about this program if possible! I read your article about gambling, I agree, I was raised Church of the Brethren! Where is your business located?
Thanks again, Barbara Vawter
Went over this list with my kids. Love it. “Never allow yourself to be defined by status, occupation, or the things you own”.
If anyone takes the financial boot camp course they would develop these principles and convictions to pass on.
This is a more deeply held conviction as a result of the course: “Surround yourself with godly counsel and ask for their advice often.”