4 Ways Money Can Change You

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It seems second nature for us to wish that we had more money in fact, sometimes, even as Christians, we can put too much faith in money and get caught up thinking that money would solve our problems. Money can certainly change things, but unfortunately the thing it often changes is us and sometimes not…

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Helping Employees Build Emergency Funds

Corporate Wellness

Personal financial struggles are impacting the lives of so many Americans that corporations are starting to take note of the many ways it’s affecting their employees.  As a result, some employers are working to take an active role in helping their employees build up emergency savings accounts.  According to Bankrate, 60% of Americans don’t have…

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Advice for Young Adults

Advice for Young Adults

How we start our journey into adulthood can often set the course for the rest of our lives, so it’s important that we make good decisions from the very beginning. The problem is that so many of the financial issues facing us at that age are completely new and we don’t know how to make…

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Social Security

Social Security 1

More and more baby boomers are entering retirement and with that time of life comes the concern about how they continue to pay the bills once they stop working. One of the topics that often comes up in retirement conversations is Social Security. For most people, Social Security is something they haven’t spent much time…

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Practicing Stewardship

Practicing Stewardship

In our previous discussion, we concluded that our primary stewardship responsibility is to the gospel message and we can view all of our other resources as tools to be used in that effort to steward the gospel well. We want to pick back up on that topic and look at some specific areas and how…

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Stewardship, Bible

For many Christians, when we hear the word “stewardship”, we instantly relate it to the topic of money. In Christian circles, we’ve heard stewardship and money being tied together in many different contexts. It’s typically used in association with capital campaigns, budget conversations and fundraisers. But God’s Word paints a much broader picture of stewardship.…

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College – Income Sharing Agreement

College 4

The student loan crisis has finally reached the point that individuals and institutions are both looking for alternatives to debt for funding a college education. One of those new methods being tried out is the Income Sharing Agreement where you trade a percentage of your future income to the school or the lender in exchange…

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Capping Your Lifestyle

Capping Lifestyle

Have you ever taken the time to ask yourself how much is enough?  It’s a question we should really all explore from time to time.  The world around us seems to be on a never-ending chase for happiness and satisfaction and rarely takes time to sit back and enjoy the things they already have.  Today,…

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Moody Radio Interview – Buying a Car


Our car buying decisions will have a major impact on our overall financial situation.  Those that overspend on vehicles will suffer the consequences of spending too much money on depreciating assets.  On the other hand, the person that spends within their means will reap the benefits of using their money for better purposes.  The following…

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Moody Radio Interview – Money Mistakes Couples Make (2019)


Money is commonly listed as one of the top sources of stress in a marriage regardless of how money they actually have.  In this interview, we discuss some of the common mistakes that couples make when it comes to handling money and how to avoid them.  You can also red the full article here.  The…

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